Child Health Care

How should a child's health be carried out?


Child Health Care
Child Health Care

The role of the family nurse in carrying out a child’s health care is enormous. This is because the health of children remains an issue that affects society and families, which means the whole nation, can be affected equally. The main aim of this work is to give you some information on what a child’s health should be and a list of ways to maintain it. It also covers several different topics such as physical, psychological, and social aspects.


Ø  There are three major points to take into account when planning for a healthy lifestyle for your children and this includes their diet, amount of exercise, and their interaction with other people in the environment.


·        Physical exercises help improve the general well-being of the body. Regular daily exercise and sports activities develop good posture which will help them to avoid injuries.

·         Proper nutrition is essential to ensure that our bodies are not sick but healthy. Children are at risk of getting illnesses if they do not eat properly or take too much food. We must make sure we provide everything that a child requires to stay healthy at all times. These include clean water, nutrition, and medical care.

·        Good communication and relationships are important for healthy development. Social skills help kids positively make friends and develop their understanding of themselves and others. Having confidence is also very important for young children. Parents must teach them about the importance of friendship before leaving them alone.

 Ø  They also need to practice patience and empathy. If they have problems such as anxiety and stress, then it would be best for them to seek professional help to deal with it. Some signs of depression and anxiety can show up when the child shows these symptoms. Sometimes people may think that depression only occurs in adults, however, this is not true. Even babies show signs. It is therefore important that parents find out as soon as possible if they think their children might be experiencing depression. Other things that may cause depression include; being bullied or teased at school, watching violent films, and having negative feelings toward someone else. People are often quick to assume children of any age will just want to play games, enjoy playing sports, listen to and respond to their favorite music, etc. This is probably not the case with most kids. Depression is treatable and many people feel better after receiving treatment. However, sometimes there may be no obvious symptoms. In these cases, it is vital to carry out some further tests to determine if the problem is more serious than initially thought. For example, the patient could have been suffering from one or more of the following disorders: bipolar disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, postnatal depression, or even social phobia.

·         GENETICS ( cause of Depression )

 One of the main causes of depression is genetics. According to Dr. Martin Seligman, director of Harvard Medical School Division of Pediatric Psychiatry, "Genetic factors explain nearly half of the depression. But because so little is known about them, researchers are trying to figure them out.” Some common genetic factors that cause depression include the serotonin transporter gene –


The serotonin transporter gene is responsible for producing serotonin.

Serotonin is a neuromodulator that helps regulate mood, hunger, sleep, and sex drive. Most adults have the serotonin transporter gene and suffer no harm. However, people who have a depressed relative or relatives, have low levels of the hormone (cortisol) and have difficulties regulating emotions are at risk of developing depression. As mentioned earlier, a depressive personality typically doesn't get along with others well and has difficulty keeping a job or taking part in normal life.

Harmful Effects of eating unhealthy food

Healthy eating habits will make children grow up well. Although eating unhealthy foods can have various harmful effects on body – eating processed junk foods can increase the chances of becoming overweight or obese. Eating lots of sugar and white bread and cereals can lead to obesity. Also, children are more likely to become overweight if their eating habits are poor. When children consume large amounts of sugary and fatty foods, fat builds up in their bodies. fats are also bad for the health. Fatty acids lower the blood pressure.

 A study on mice found that eating high amounts of saturated fat led to an increased accumulation of cholesterol in their bloodstream. Saturated fats can raise the risk of colon cancer and may cause inflammation in the liver. Red meats contain high quantities of saturated fats. Processed meat and fish also contain higher quantities of saturated and trans fats. Eating the wrong type of meat and fish may affect the digestive system.

Studies show that the risks of certain diseases are lower in countries where people eat meat, poultry, and dairy products regularly. Also, people who eat these foods regularly have a reduced risk of prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer compared to those who don’t.

Eating less salt is recommended especially for pregnant women, who may need extra minerals. Salt has several detrimental effects on children including loss of appetite, skin damage, and kidney damage. In the long term, excess sodium builds up inside cells and interferes with the function of some enzymes which are needed to break down proteins in food. More research is needed to see whether or not salt is safe for pregnant women or pregnant women that are breastfeeding. Allowing your toddler to try table salt is fine for now.

 However, if they become sensitive to it, then it is important for you to be careful and only use fresh ground sea salt, Himalayan pink salt which is 100% natural when making dishes. Avoid using regular table salt in cooking or cleaning because it contains harmful chemicals like mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and chromium.

 Remember to always cut the salt down and never add more than 2 teaspoons to every dish. Be cautious when giving your children raw egg yolks that have been cooked in salt on their own. Avoid giving too much salt to infants unless they are old enough to chew or eat. Use powdered table salt instead.

Ø  It's time to get back on track with your children's health. Give yourself time and space  in order to think about how you can be more attentive for your children and keep them healthy. Here are 6 simple steps you can take today to start building a healthier relationship with your children.


1.    Learn to say please and thank you. I never fail to notice how easily people are willing to sacrifice how they are treated for the sake of pleasing others. It may seem odd at first, but it does make a big difference to how you both behave when you get together: you'll both be happy, satisfied, and able to relax and listen to each other better.

2.    Practice active listening. Listening is not telling, sharing with interest, appreciating... It is hearing and understanding the words we hear instead of assuming or judging, allowing them to express what they mean but interpreting their meaning according to us.


3.    Talk about mistakes and successes with each other. Explain your reasons for each and offer alternatives. Ask them to do something or simply acknowledge that they did something good or bad and suggest how to change what they did.


4.      Make rules for yourselves and obey them. It may seem tedious, but remember that it can bring us closer to each other and get rid of unnecessary arguments.


5.      Celebrate positive moments. Try to savor the small accomplishments. Don’t hold grudges against yourself because someone has not done the right thing. Be grateful for one another every day, regardless of what happens. Look forward to doing new things. If there is anything to celebrate, then a fun activity would be great!


6.      Take turns. Let your partner make decisions on your behalf and make them accountable before making a decision. Allow them time to talk about their thoughts before agreeing.


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